Project 1: Final Project and Project Statement

 Project Statement:

This sculpture was made to be a surrealist reimagining of an everyday object: in this case, a CD. I chose to work with a CD because I was drawn to its iridescence, and I felt like its circular donut shape would allow me to go down any number of paths with my reimagining. As I was brainstorming, I noticed that a number of my ideas were related to nature: a tree, a nautilus shell, and the idea I ultimately settled on: a Venus Fly Trap. The shape of the CD reminded me of forms found in nature, and the iridescence was reminiscent of sunlight bouncing off of leaves or water. 

The first part of the sculpture I focused on was the CD holder that would position the CDs at an angle. I then worked on the spikes, and decided to lean into the danger and horror in the Venus Fly Trap by using needles. For the stem, the metal handle of a flyswatter worked well, and I liked that the metal was already a bit twisted. The whole time, I had been wondering what color to paint the backs of the CDs. I was originally going to go for green on the outside and possibly pink on the inside, like the real life version of the plant. But to me, the sharpness and metallic nature of the needles and ‘stem’ meshed well with the CD as a technological object, so I decided to paint the backs silver. I feel like this evokes a plant from another, harsher world, that draws prey in with its iridescence before snapping its jaws shut.


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